Hi guys, so, I figured, I need to have a bit more content on my blog, so I decided, why not create a contest? Later, I may create a very own page just for contests, So i'll consider that. So I'm making a winter contest. The winner will get a prize, I'm not going to say who, yet my citizenship expires in 3 days, so in order to give you that prize, today's January 8th, so I'll need to make the deadline January 10th. That shouldn't be a problem because all you need to do, is tell a story in the comments, of what you did in winter break! Here are 3 simple rules you need to follow for your entry to be counted:
1. Story must be at least 3 sentences long, the longer the better!
2. The story must have a begining and an end. like for example, you can't just say. "my friends and i got icecream. we dropped it, so we got a new one. the end." Make it INTERESTING :)
3. The story must be about winter break. If you can't think of anything, try something from your Winter break BEFORE. like maybe in 2007 you learned to skii.
Follow the little rules, and your entry will be valid :) Post your entries in the comments please. Excited to see your Winter stories! What are you waiting for? Get writing!